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  • Image of Noctography Lighting Gels Mkiii (New Colour Added!)

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Nocturne has been working hard to make some of the finest lighting gels out there. Nocturne has spent months testing out 1000's of gels to find the perfect light painting colour combination in the most durable and heat resistant gels made.

In this pack you will receive lighting gels on a 6X4in swatch book mounted on a ring. Each gel is individually labeled for easy recognition at night and has an individual eyelet to ensure the hole where the gel is mounted is not worn down after repeated use, this is also reenforced to stop ripping or breakages.

The colours have been chosen carefully to give the perfect complimentary and contrasting combinations possible for light painting in any situations.

The colours are

1. Red
2. Green
3. Blue
4. Yellow
5. Orange
6. Pink
7. Purple (New Colour)

The colours in the pack can be layered to create new colours. e.g if you mix the Green gel with the Blue gel you will create Turquoise, the gels are also big enough to fold over in to two layers of the same colour to create a more intense colour.

Each pack of lighting gels comes with a free upgraded Noctography lanyard which makes light painting even easier, this enables you to have the gels around your neck and easily accessible from a quick release clip on the lanyard.

Made by a Light Painter...For Light Painters

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